No More Baths! - Murray, Utah Feature Films for Families 2003 - 1 videodisc sd., col. 4 3/4 in. - 93 min. - The Butter Cream Gang .

Not rated.

"Am I my brother's keeper?" To 10 year-old Keagan, this isn't a question but a way of life. After learning to help others by watching his parents work as legal-aid attorneys in his youth, Keagan puts his lessons to good use by watching out for his aging neighbor, Jake. Years ago, after a fire took his family, Jake opened up his home and his heart to the children of Glenwood Springs, who come to play on his lot each day. When Jake gets in the way of a greedy developer, government bureaucrats are content to push him aside, but they don't anticipate Keagan McPhie. Keagan organizes the Glenwood Springs Kids Corp, into a powerful force of peaceful protest to help Jake and remind adults of their responsibility to a friend in need.

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